Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Sunday night Daddy and Gpa Oakley were working on some sprinkler heads in the front yard and heard the ice cream truck music! Gpa flagged down the truck so Rachel could experience another first! She wasn't quite sure why a man in a truck was selling ice cream, but she sure enjoyed it! Momma remembers getting ice cream from a truck years ago, yet it seems just like yesterday! Oh memories that last for a lifetime!!


Deciding...this is serious business!

Waving bye to the truck

Pic with Momma!

Thouroughly enjoying!


GGma said...

She looks like she is really checking it out! I'm sure she decided it is a great idea ;-)

Jessica said...

I remember the ice cream truck from when we were little on Douglas and I have "splurged" to let Kinley run out and buy some just because of the memories that I have! (even when we have popsickles and ice cream in our freezer)! :) Looks like Rach enjoyed herself!