Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cheeto Lovin' Chica

We have been giving Rachel actual table food for about the last month. (She also was switched from formula to Vitamin D milk this week! Way cheaper!)She seems to really like "junk food." Some things that she prefers happen to, hot dogs, french fries, and ice cream! But her absolute favorite is Cheetos!!!! She loves to eat them, but then hates to clean up! When she was still eating baby food we were buying the Gerber lil crunchies. She loved these, but just like all "baby food" it was kinda expensive! $2.17 for a small can and she would eat almost half of the can in one setting! After going through 3 cans I decided to try one and see why she liked them so much! It tasted just like a regular chip except a little softer (easier to dissolve). That's when I decided to buy the real thing. She loves the real ones better and they are way cheaper! She sees me get them out of the cabinet and gets excited! She'd eat the whole bag if I'd let her! I guess it's a good thing she goes with me to the Y everyday! :)


GGma said...

Aren't you glad we fed her
little bites of 'real food'
at the lake? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Micaiah loves Cheetos too. He sucks all of the cheesy stuff off and throws away the rest. Disgusting! She is precious! I can't believe your doctor already switched her to whole milk. I've always heard not to put them on until a year.