Saturday, October 2, 2010

She's A Big Girl Now!!

The Princess decided last Saturday (9/25) she wanted to now be a BIG GIRL! 2 BIG changes happened for Rachel last weekend. She decided she now wants to go potty in the Big Girl Potty and she is now in her toddler bed instead of her crib! If you remember just a few weeks ago we tried the potty thing and she was the most stubborn, defiant child on the planet. So, we were thoroughly surprised when she was asking us to take her potty and then actually going when we came home from the hospital!!! The bed switch was a little more complicated. She decided she was just going to jump out of her crib no matter what so we made the decision to be safer and convert her bed. Both seem to be going fairly well. Set backs here and there, but it will all be worth it! She's a BIG GIRL NOW!!!


Grandma said...

She is a big girl, I love all the talking too. "Hey, Kate, there's Grandpa Oakley!", quite eliquently stated at the restaurant yesterday.