Friday, October 10, 2008

Update on Rachel's Size

After having the sonogram yesterday, they determined Rachel isn't a "giant" but she isn't small either. She is just...well...large. By the calculations of the sonogram she is measuring at 35 weeks 5 days and weighing 5lbs 5 oz. (I was exactly 33 weeks yesterday) So she is just under 3 weeks big instead of 4. (thank goodness!) Although she will still be big, she isn't has big as I had feared. I haven't yet talked with my OB to see what she thinks. This information is what the sonogram tech gave us. I will update more after I visit with the OB!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)


Amanda said...

So glad she isn't a giant, just a fatty. :) I like chubby babies, though!!!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is comforting but I know an ultrasound technician and she says the size can be as much as a half pound off. Hopefully, she will be a half pound lighter. Our little guy was much smaller than was predicted. at 35 weeks he was nearly five pounds and when he was born at 39 weeks he was 5 lbs 11 ozs. So you just can't tell. I'm sure it will be fine!