Thursday, October 8, 2009

Momma and Daddy Take a Trip!!!

Most of you know that Daddy and I took a trip for Momma's birthday. It was a much needed vacation that we really enjoyed! Rachel wasn't able to go, and she let momma know just what she thought about it when we got back! We flew back into Wichita on Wednesday evening and Rachel wanted nothing to do with me until Saturday afternoon! She was MAD at me for leaving her. She was happy to see her dad, but could have cared less about me being back. It was heartbreaking! But I am now happy to say that everything is back to normal.

Our original destination for our trip was Washington DC but while we were there we hit 6 different states and did many different things! We rented a car in our "vacation package" and on our 3rd day there we drove through Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. The main places we stopped along the way were in Pennsylvania and New York. We went to Philadelphia and saw the liberty Bell and Independence Hall (where the constitution was signed!) 'and then the major stops in New York were, of course, the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center Site. The entire 6 day trip was so much fun and I don't think there was a better vacation for the 2 of us to enjoy together. WE loved seeing our Nations capitol along with other American history sites. We haven't had this much fun in quite a while!

Although we were sad to come home, we were happy too. Back to "real life" and reality, but we have memories that will last a lifetime. :)

(I have posted a few pictures below, but for those of you who want to see a lot more they are on my facebook page or printed in an album here at home. Comments of each picture are ABOVE the pic!)

Our Hotel Room
White House in the background WWII Memorial, Reflecting Pool, Lincoln Memorial from Wash. Monument
Where Brett's Gpa was in WWII
Jefferson Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Washington Monument, Reflecting Pool from Lincoln Memorial
Hard Rock Cafe in D.C.
Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA
Independence Hall (where Constitution was signed) We went in later that day!
Statue of Liberty
National Museum of Natural History
National Museum of American History
I'm a Kansas Girl...Dorothy's shoes! (American History Museum)Capitol Building in the background
Vietnam Wall
Lincoln Memorial again
Mt. Vernon
George Washington's House (Mt. Vernon)
We ate at the Inn on my Birthday!


Grandma said...

I'm glad you had a great time and visited so many places. Great pics! By the way, Rachel had a good time too and was glad to see both her Momma and Daddy.

GGma said...

Great pictures! Washington D C is a place GGpa and I would like to visit also. Your pictures make me want to go right now! ;-)