Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The End is Near

I went to get a final hair color to look good before Noah's birth. Jane had the weave done, she was drying my hair, and suddenly I felt a warm sensation. I told Jane, "I either peed my pants, or my water just broke". After I went to the bathroom, I realized it was probably leakage of amniotic fluid. I got in the car and called Mom in a panic. I wasn't sure because I had never experienced it like this before. When I got out of the car at home, I was sure it was the real deal. Brett and I rushed around and got stuff in the car. While I was tanding in the garage, loading the car, we had another confirmation that this was for real (my pants were now soaked). Brett ran in the house to get me a towel and we headed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital (at about 5:00pm), Becky went inside to get the wheelchair so I started to get out of the car. I got out and looked at mom and there was a major gush that got my feet and flip-flops wet. I was admitted and put directly into a room after they confirmed that my water had broken. When they checked me, I was dilated to 4 and 80% effaced. At 7, they checked me again and there was no progress. Therefore, they started Pitocin at 7:18 pm.

Stay tuned for further updates on progression!