Monday, September 13, 2010

Noah Update

I went to the doctor on Friday and as usual everything was great! I was measuring a little over a week big and was dilated to 1-1.5cm. And just like the past few visits his heart rate was 145bpm. His heart rate seems to be very consistent so maybe he will be laid back like his daddy instead of high strung like his momma and big sister! :) I am now scheduling weekly visits with Dr. Cox so the time will really start flying now! Sono is supposed to be at the next appt to measure for his size. Lets hope he isn't measuring giant size like his sister was at this time! :) I talked with the doctor about an induction plan and she said she would induce me at 39 weeks (Oct.8th) if he doesn't come before then! Daddy is very excited because that means he will probably be here on the 9th. The 9th is a special day to him bc it is his late grandmother's birthday. He just thinks it's "neat." Although it would be kinda cool, just like any other overly fat pregnant lady I hope he comes on his own EARLY. But I have a feeling he is going to stay nestled in there as long as possible! I guess we shall see. Even if he doesn't come earlier then 39 weeks, I think I will manage 3 1/2 more weeks! The end is near and it will be so worth it!


Devion said...

I am RIGHT THERE with ya on everything! I would be just fine if he made an appearance at any point in time between now and Oct 6th, but if he chooses to stay until his due date, I know it will be best for him...

I am really, really jealous about your sonogram! I haven't had one since 20 weeks and won't. :( I'd love to see where he's at size-wise...especially with every friend, family member, and stranger (minus a few, gracious friends) telling me how huge I am! :)